Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Future Tea (OFT) hopes to inspire people to write, draw, and express themselves in many different forms. OFT aims to help those suffering any type of depression and/or anxiety. However, we strive to help uplift anyone and everyone.
OFT feels that discovering your hobbies and taking part in self expression reveals a form of happiness. Our goal is to help further enable you to grow as an individual by finding and expressing your talents.
In the future, we will occasionally mail out inspirational letters, books, journals, notebooks, pencils, art supplies and various care packages to those in need. We will also occasionally mail out herbal tea to help those suffering from stress related issues or anxiety. We also collect self-help books. We read them so that we can recommend them or mail them to different people based on their situation.
What does the title mean?
We need to see how wonderful life can be and live as long as we possibly can. The title can be taken either literally or metaphorically; perhaps your "tea" is in the sense of something you are seeking and have not yet found. We need to live to see our future tea.
Our Future Tea was launched to remind us all that things do get better. If we work towards becoming better and staying positive, we will all find and enjoy our future tea.
Our Future Tea would like you to be reminded of how promising life is, despite any depression, sickness or anxiety. You are significant. You are needed. We want you to enjoy your future tea, and you will.
Our Future Tea (OFT) is currently registered as an LLC in California and working on getting its nonprofit status. Any and all money made from merchandise or elsewhere directly relating to OurFutureTea.org will be used as funding to help those in need.